Camp 4 x2IPA Imperial India Pale Ale
Utilizing the latest “Super High Alpha” hop variety Pahto™ aka HBC 682, this beer packs a bitter punch that stands
up to the higher ABV to balance it out. Not satisfied with just a bitter balance, we stuffed the fermenter with
double the quantities of dry hops taking advantage of the resinous, piney, citrus and tropical fruit flavors of
Ekuanot®, Chinook, Simcoe® and Mosaic® hops. While lighter in color and drier, this beer still has all our
favorite hop flavor components loaded into a single glass.
28,000 Upper Yakima Valley farmland acres are irrigated by mountain runoff carried to a reservoir on the North Fork
Cowiche Creek by the cement concaves pictured above. The whole water supply is owned and maintained by the Yakima
Tieton Irrigation District Headquarters located on Camp 4 Road just yards from the brewery. Without the work that
started back in 1906 that created Clear Lake Dam, Rimrock Lake, the Tieton Main Canal and French Canyon Dam,
we would not have hops and barley growing on our farm today.
Stuff in this beer: Northwest Premium Malts, Dextrose,
Ekuanot®, Simcoe®, Chinook®, Mosaic®, and Pahto® hops, Yeast and Water
Statistics: 5.1° Lovibond, 100+ IBUs(Calculated), 8.0% ABV
Available in 1/6 BBL Kegs, 1/2 BBL Kegs, and 12 oz Cans in both Commercial and Retail